EUINACTION - Legislative Procedures
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The heatmap displays the average probabilities that EU legislative proposals in given policy areas and years increase EU authority, estimated based on a logistic regression text classifier.

The heatmap displays the average probabilities that adopted EU legislative acts in given policy areas and years increase EU authority, estimated based on a logistic regression text classifier.

The heatmap displays the average difference in the probabilities of adopted final acts and legislative proposals in given policy areas and years increase EU authority, estimated based on a logistic regression text classifier.

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This table is based on the first informal negotiations on a legislative proposal by the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of Ministers. It lists issues by issue, the position of each institution, any comments on a potential compromise or controversial issues, and a classification of each institution's issue position into 0=not expanding EU authority, 1=expanding EU authority, or 2=not related to EU authority.

Commission Parliament Council Comment Commission Score Parliament Score Council Score

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